Economics Class 12 MCQs with Answers

 To prepare for the CBSE Class 12 Economics Term 2 Exam 2021-2022, review these crucial Economics class 12 MCQs.

The MCQs in this article will be quite useful in preparing for such problems and brushing up on Economics subjects. To prepare effectively for their exams, students can practice these chapter-by-chapter economics class 12 MCQs questions.MCQs will play a major role in the term-wise tests, according to the revised CBSE exam pattern for the Class 12 Board Exam 2021-2022. MCQs of various forms will be included in the economics class 12 question paper for the Term 1 Board Exam. 

MCQ on Economics for Class 12 with Answers

Here is a list of chapter-wise Economics Class 12 MCqswith Answers. Click on the above link to find the chapter-wise Econoicmis MCQs listed below.

Chapter-wise MCQs on Economics for Class 12 with Answers

CBSE Class 12 Economics Term 1 Syllabus – MCQ Based Questions

Part A: Introductory Macroeconomics

  1. Money and Banking Class 12 MCQs – 6 Marks
  2. Government Budget and the Economy – 6 Marks
  3. Balance of Payments Class 12 MCQs – 6 Marks
  4. Foreign Exchange Rate MCQs

Part B: Indian Economic Development

Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms since 1991:- 12 Marks

  1. Indian Economy on the eve of Independence MCQs
  2. Indian Economy (1950-90) MCQs
  3. Economic Reforms since 1991 MCQs

Current challenges facing Indian Economy – 10 Marks

  1. Poverty MCQs
  2. Human Capital Formation MCQs
  3. Rural development MCQs

Term II – Subjective Questions CBSE Class 12 Economics Syllabus

Part A: Introductory Macroeconomics

  1. Circular Flow of Income Class 12 MCQ with Answers
  2. Some Basic Concepts of Macroeconomics Class 12 MCQ
  3. National Income and Related Aggregates Class 12 MCQs
  4. National Income and Related Aggregates Class 12 Numericals
  5. Determination of Income and Employment Class 12 MCQs

Part B: Indian Economic Development

Current challenges facing Indian Economy – 12 Marks

  1. Employment Class 12 MCQ
  2. Infrastructure Class 12 MCQ
  3. MCQ on Sustainable Development Class 12

Development Experience of India – A Comparison with Neighbours – 6 Marks

  1. Comparative Development Experience of India and its Neighbours Class 12 MCQ

Candidates can increase their speed and accuracy in the board exams by using CBSE Class 12 MCQs Question with Answer for Indian Economic Development. The mcq on economics for class 12 with answers at Arinjay Academy are generally descriptive and should be completed in under one minute. However, achieving this level of expertise in class 12 Indian Economic Development MCQs required a lot of practice.


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